Without some sense of inner passion, purpose, and direction passing life's next test is an unknown worth exploring. This test is not so visible, not so obvious, and is much harder to measure with percentage points or weighted GPA's. This is Life Skills 101 and it is the strongest indicator of lifelong success and sustained, authentic happiness. College admissions counselors report that "Incoming freshman are entering their first year of college burned out and with no genuine desire to learn. They arrive ill equipped with no sense of true, independent direction."
We need to strike a balance -- Yes, if you are going to remain competitive with the big leagues and the ivy leagues, and remain in good standing with the big boys you do need a strong resume, and you need strong SAT scores, but you also need a clear sense of self. Do you know how to be the be resourceful and get extra help when you need it? Navigate independently? Bounce back from set backs and remain resilient and optimistic? Can you set priorities? Manage time and choose healthy new friends? Consult your intuitive creative sense of knowing? Which star are you following? Now these are real life skills worth investing in!
These are the truer tests and indicators of transitional success and health into college-- So grab your compass, set your direction, and let passion and your own "true North" lead you confidently on your way.
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