Thursday, June 18, 2009

You are Incredible; and the Earth is Hiring

Stop with the job search whining already.... Jobs DO exist for anyone with ambition, an entrepreneurial spirit, a creative eye, a sensibility toward "green commerce," and the guts to put themselves out there.

The GREEN revolution is happening-- so why not make your own place in its evolution?  Get creative!  Get bold! Get moving!  The questions that "green entrepreneurs" are asking themselves include: "What 's urgent? What's futuristic? What will the world need in the next 5-10 years?" These questions are your own wide open invitation on the road to becoming a successful, bold, green entrepreneur.

Here is how to find HOT, GREEN jobs in a COOL, BLUE economy:

1.  TURN THAT SHIRT INSIDE OUT - Don't be afraid to try your skills on in a new arena.
2.  BOXED IN? BUST OUT? - Carry an open mind with you everywhere you go.  Enjoy the idea of an unexpected job change, a new career path, open up to new possibilities, and think about how you might repackage your skills.
3.  NETWORK LIKE A CRAZY MAN - Let all kinds of people know you are looking. Everyone becomes a new opportunity or resource eager to be tapped.

Start by researching these potential environmental job clusters:  
  • Renewable Energy (wind, solar, alternative fuels) 
  • Building green, Building efficiently 
  • The science and engineering behind biofuels, bio-genetics and green farming
  • Transportation and alternative fuels
  • Environmental law, compliance, and regulations
  • Green function and design (clothing, food, shelter, everywhere)
This economy and environmental job market needs environmental engineers, chemical engineers, computer and electrical engineers.  We need construction management teams, architects, and builders to retrofit, design, and build resource-efficient buildings. We need creative  designers to add the aesthetic to the function of eco-building. We need farmers and scientists to genetically maintain the growth and integrity of whole, healthful foods. We need innovative and strategic land use city planners to help us think through ways to conserve and limit our use of space and resources.  Artists and creative spirits are needed to breathe life, passion, and color into this new way of being and thinking in the world. They are needed to soften the sharper edges of science and function necessary for this evolution to take hold and stick. Educators, trainers, and researchers who can reach and teach others about green innovation are in high demand in every career cluster.

So whether you specialize in practical skills, hards skills, soft skills--All skills are in great need as this green revolution takes the earth by storm. So... Get creative!  Get bold! Get moving! NOW!

So no more whining -- "YOU are incredible, and the EARTH  is hiring!"

Wipe Your FACE(BOOK) Clean & Create a Professional Online Presence

Head hunters, HR recruiters, and your future employers are "googling" you to gage whether you're the next hire for their company. So if you are serious about trying to market yourself, serious about trying to create a professional brand, eager to show off your strengths and your unique value proposition-- best be dumping Bambi's birthday bash party album on Facebook, best be deleting the four-letter sentiments on Twitter, and ditching your Hottie Horoscope news group. More and more employers and head hunters are using online media sources as an initial sorting tool for competing candidates, and as means to gather off-the-record data about the quality and professionalism of their next new hire.

So time to clean up your social media presence and re-brand your online persona as a professional who is mature, and ready to be serious in the real working world.
Here's how:

1. Join Linked In. -- "It's Facebook with suit"-- This is a professional networking site which holds credibility in the business world.
2. Complete your profile with as much detail and accuracy as possible. -- Use this space to "publish" your resume online. Take advantage of this free exposure.
3. Update your site regularly. Keep information current. Add articles, blogs, professional books, sites that you follow or recommend-- It shows you are current and educated. It shows that "You get it!"
4. Join other online professional groups related to your business niche.
5. Get yourself noticed. -- Set yourself apart from the pack. Comment and follow professional or unique blogs. Add YouTube videos to your site.
6. Start your own blog.-- Create a positive & professional business brand for yourself through your commentary on your own blog.
7. Clean up Facebook and Twitter.

"The majority of students coming out of college are essentially generic." Time magazine / April 2009
Time to create your own dynamic, unique professional BRAND-- and use the FREE, worldwide exposure that social media tools provide to set you apart and get you noticed!