Teens entering college this year will be competing for jobs that do not even exist yet! Declare a major? In what? In our rapidly changing world young adults need to be creative problem-solvers, ethical diplomats, and thoughtful communicators that bridge and connect global communities.
There are, however, a few skills worth the price of college tuition, and these are outlined by the work of Howard Gardner, a Harvard graduate from the School of Education. These skills have universal appeal, regardless of your major, career path, or area of interest.... Want to be top pick for the job? Graduate near the top of your class? Want to interview well? Get yourself noticed by growing and practicing these skills throughout college. Check them out:
"Five Minds for the Future"
The Creating Mind: We need to reward creativity! Being confidently skilled in the creative process, and having the ability to naturally think and problem-solve outside the box will be an asset for future inventors and entrepreneurs. To be vulnerable, take risks, jump at new opportunities, and then rebound again and again, as you search for the latest cures, the smartest technology, and most successful peace-keeping strategies will be an asset that will set you a part and get you noticed in the interview or in the workplace.
The Respectful Mind: As the world becomes more interconnected, those possessing a "respectful mind" will be able to welcome the growing exposure to new people all over the world with a greater level of enthusiasm and empathy. You will have practiced the art of patience and tolerance, and share this trust by forming meaningful links while giving others the benefit of the doubt. These are the relationship-builders, and they will lead all of us forward into the unfamiliar with open, trusting arms.
The Ethical Mind: Though often hard to understand, this kind of intelligence views the world on a universal scale. The bigger issues are always at the forefront of your decision making and conflict resolution. If you have learned the ways of the ethical mind, you will demonstrate moral values by example, but will also work quietly to guide and influence others toward actions that are ethically responsible.
The Disciplined Mind: This is the skill that will push those who seek to remain competitive and at the top of their game toward further excellence. Continuous education is essential to achieve expert status in a rapidly-changing world. Future businesses will value your ability to tackle new challenges with intellect, stamina, and commitment.
The Synthesizing Mind: This is a mind that will have that "searchlight" intelligence which will enable you to be able to look expansively, while holding tight to the details as they arrange these in new and useful ways. You can see the "big picture" and then are able to break down complex information into smaller parts and have it make sense for the rest of the world. These skills will be cherished in the workplace.
Now these are skills worth the investment! Greater reward, interest, and celebration on divergent thinking, positive, global communication, out of the box problem solving, ingenuity and innovation are the qualities that are going to land you that interview, that first high-powered job, and that first career that gets you jumping out of bed in the morning eager to start your day!